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A filesystem block is an object that allows you to read and write data from paths. Prefect provides multiple built-in file system types that cover a wide range of use cases.

Additional file system types are available in Prefect Collections.

Local filesystem

The LocalFileSystem block enables interaction with the files in your current development environment.

LocalFileSystem properties include:

Property Description
basepath String path to the location of files on the local filesystem. Access to files outside of the base path will not be allowed.
from prefect.filesystems import LocalFileSystem

fs = LocalFileSystem(basepath="/foo/bar")

Limited access to local file system

Be aware that LocalFileSystem access is limited to the exact path provided. This file system may not be ideal for some use cases. The execution environment for your workflows may not have the same file system as the environment you are writing and deploying your code on.

Use of this file system can limit the availability of results after a flow run has completed or prevent the code for a flow from being retrieved successfully at the start of a run.

Remote file system

The RemoteFileSystem block enables interaction with arbitrary remote file systems. Under the hood, RemoteFileSystem uses fsspec and supports any file system that fsspec supports.

RemoteFileSystem properties include:

Property Description
basepath String path to the location of files on the remote filesystem. Access to files outside of the base path will not be allowed.
settings Dictionary containing extra parameters required to access the remote file system.

The file system is specified using a protocol:

  • s3://my-bucket/my-folder/ will use S3
  • gcs://my-bucket/my-folder/ will use GCS
  • az://my-bucket/my-folder/ will use Azure

For example, to use it with Amazon S3:

from prefect.filesystems import RemoteFileSystem

block = RemoteFileSystem(basepath="s3://my-bucket/folder/")"dev")

You may need to install additional libraries to use some remote storage types.

RemoteFileSystem examples

How can we use RemoteFileSystem to store our flow code? The following is a use case where we use MinIO as a storage backend:

from prefect.filesystems import RemoteFileSystem

minio_block = RemoteFileSystem(
        "key": "MINIO_ROOT_USER",
        "secret": "MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD",
        "client_kwargs": {"endpoint_url": "http://localhost:9000"},


The Azure file system block enables interaction with Azure Datalake and Azure Blob Storage. Under the hood, the Azure block uses adlfs.

Azure properties include:

Property Description
bucket_path String path to the location of files on the remote filesystem. Access to files outside of the bucket path will not be allowed.
azure_storage_connection_string Azure storage connection string.
azure_storage_account_name Azure storage account name.
azure_storage_account_key Azure storage account key.
azure_storage_tenant_id Azure storage tenant ID.
azure_storage_client_id Azure storage client ID.
azure_storage_client_secret Azure storage client secret.
azure_storage_anon Anonymous authentication, disable to use DefaultAzureCredential.

To create a block:

from prefect.filesystems import Azure

block = Azure(bucket_path="my-bucket/folder/")"dev")

To use it in a deployment:

prefect deployment build path/to/ --name deployment_name --tag dev -sb az/dev

You need to install adlfs to use it.


The GitHub filesystem block enables interaction with GitHub repositories. This block is read-only and works with both public and private repositories.

GitHub properties include:

Property Description
reference An optional reference to pin to, such as a branch name or tag.
repository The URL of a GitHub repository to read from, in either HTTPS or SSH format.
access_token A GitHub Personal Access Token (PAT) with repo scope.

To create a block:

from prefect.filesystems import GitHub

block = GitHub(
    access_token=<my_access_token> # only required for private repos
block.get_directory("folder-in-repo") # specify a subfolder of repo"dev")

To use it in a deployment:

prefect deployment build path/to/ --name deployment_name --tag dev -sb github/dev -a


The GitLabRepository block is read-only and works with private GitLab repositories.

GitLabRepository properties include:

Property Description
reference An optional reference to pin to, such as a branch name or tag.
repository The URL of a GitLab repository to read from, in either HTTPS or SSH format.
credentials A GitLabCredentials block with Personal Access Token (PAT) with read_repository scope.

To create a block:

from prefect_gitlab.credentials import GitLabCredentials
from prefect_gitlab.repositories import GitLabRepository

gitlab_creds = GitLabCredentials(token="YOUR_GITLAB_ACCESS_TOKEN")
gitlab_repo = GitLabRepository(

To use it in a deployment (and apply):

prefect deployment build path/to/ --name deployment_name --tag dev -sb gitlab-repository/dev -a

Note that to use this block, you need to install the prefect-gitlab collection.


The GCS file system block enables interaction with Google Cloud Storage. Under the hood, GCS uses gcsfs.

GCS properties include:

Property Description
bucket_path A GCS bucket path
service_account_info The contents of a service account keyfile as a JSON string.
project The project the GCS bucket resides in. If not provided, the project will be inferred from the credentials or environment.

To create a block:

from prefect.filesystems import GCS

block = GCS(bucket_path="my-bucket/folder/")"dev")

To use it in a deployment:

prefect deployment build path/to/ --name deployment_name --tag dev -sb gcs/dev

You need to install gcsfsto use it.


The S3 file system block enables interaction with Amazon S3. Under the hood, S3 uses s3fs.

S3 properties include:

Property Description
bucket_path An S3 bucket path
aws_access_key_id AWS Access Key ID
aws_secret_access_key AWS Secret Access Key

To create a block:

from prefect.filesystems import S3

block = S3(bucket_path="my-bucket/folder/")"dev")

To use it in a deployment:

prefect deployment build path/to/ --name deployment_name --tag dev -sb s3/dev

You need to install s3fsto use this block.


The SMB file system block enables interaction with SMB shared network storage. Under the hood, SMB uses smbprotocol. Used to connect to Windows-based SMB shares from Linux-based Prefect flows. The SMB file system block is able to copy files, but cannot create directories.

SMB properties include:

Property Description
basepath String path to the location of files on the remote filesystem. Access to files outside of the base path will not be allowed.
smb_host Hostname or IP address where SMB network share is located.
smb_port Port for SMB network share (defaults to 445).
smb_username SMB username with read/write permissions.
smb_password SMB password.

To create a block:

from prefect.filesystems import SMB

block = SMB(basepath="my-share/folder/")"dev")

To use it in a deployment:

prefect deployment build path/to/ --name deployment_name --tag dev -sb smb/dev

You need to install smbprotocol to use it.

Handling credentials for cloud object storage services

If you leverage S3, GCS, or Azure storage blocks, and you don't explicitly configure credentials on the respective storage block, those credentials will be inferred from the environment. Make sure to set those either explicitly on the block or as environment variables, configuration files, or IAM roles within both the build and runtime environment for your deployments.

Filesystem package dependencies

A Prefect installation and doesn't include filesystem-specific package dependencies such as s3fs, gcsfs or adlfs. This includes Prefect base Docker images.

You must ensure that filesystem-specific libraries are installed in an execution environment where they will be used by flow runs.

In Dockerized deployments, you can leverage the EXTRA_PIP_PACKAGES environment variable. Those dependencies will be installed at runtime within your Docker container or Kubernetes Job before the flow starts running.

Here is an example from a deployment YAML file showing how to specify the installation of s3fs from into your image:

  type: docker-container
    EXTRA_PIP_PACKAGES: s3fs  # could be gcsfs, adlfs, etc.

You may specify multiple dependencies by providing a comma-delimted list.

Saving and loading file systems

Configuration for a file system can be saved to the Prefect API. For example:

fs = RemoteFileSystem(basepath="s3://my-bucket/folder/")
fs.write_path("foo", b"hello")"dev-s3")

This file system can be retrieved for later use with load.

fs = RemoteFileSystem.load("dev-s3")
fs.read_path("foo")  # b'hello'

Readable and writable file systems

Prefect provides two abstract file system types, ReadableFileSystem and WriteableFileSystem.

  • All readable file systems must implement read_path, which takes a file path to read content from and returns bytes.
  • All writeable file systems must implement write_path which takes a file path and content and writes the content to the file as bytes.

A file system may implement both of these types.